
About Darci

I’m the doting mother of two wonderful children. Maddie and Sam are absolute blessings. As I write this, Sam and Maddie are busy with summer camps, and I’m enjoying actual quiet in my home.  That feels rare, although I feel lucky- I often tune out the chaos while sharing a glass of wine with my husband of more than 20 years.  And guess what?  We still like each other…most of the time.

I grew up in Ohio, and seeking adventure at twenty-four, I moved to Chicago. My adventures started just two weeks after moving, when I met my husband Jon. We lived in the same apartment building. After marrying in Chicago and moving to San Francisco, we now call Boston home.

Before writing To Full Term I worked in corporations as a marketer and a management consultant. I earned an MBA from the University of Chicago, and an undergraduate degree from Wright State University. I paid my own way through undergraduate school by working full-time in a host of jobs- everything from cashier to waitress to salesperson. And I still cherish each of these experiences.

I really enjoy understanding things, so research is a real pleasure for me.  And are you obsessed with finding stuff that makes you smile, relax, or just somehow enjoy life a little more?  Me, too!  That’s why I’m sharing the fruits of my labor with you.  Cheers!